
Please register by filling out the following information. All the information is confidential and for private use only.

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When you interact with a business...
Do you constantly come up with new ways to improve a service or product?

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When analyzing a business, I can easily figure out how it makes money and whether it is a good business idea or not.

Slide the marker to indicate which level best describes your behavior

Choose the answer that best matches your behavior.

I believe that anyone is capable of making an impact in the world
Only those who are powerful and rich have the necessary resources to change the world

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If I receive a Facebook request to help a cause I strongly believe in, I support it and share it with as many people as I can.

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I have long-term goals and I know the short and medium-term actions that are needed to achieve them.

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I like to get out of my comfort zone and explore subjects I am not familiar with.

Slide the marker to indicate which level best describes your behavior

Choose the option that most resembles your way of thinking.

Skills cannot be developed, therefore, it’s more efficient to focus your current skills.
Anybody can learn new skills and develop them with time and effort.

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When I attend an event, I enjoy talking to people I don't know and growing my contact network.

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I accomplish my commitments in a timely and correct manner.

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When working on a project, I establish a starting point with my colleagues as well as objectives and deadlines.

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I feel motivated and optimistic regardless of adversity.

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Even in difficult situations, I am able to motivate and inspire others.

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I believe in every challenge there’s an opportunity to be found.

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When I face adversity... am I able to recover quickly?

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It’s important to make a decision even if you don’t have all the information you need to make it.

Entrepreneurial profile

We would like to know about yourself. Please, tell us more about your life experiences.

Please select your level of English and Spanish

Academic Background

To support the best candidates, TrepCamp offers merit-based scholarships
